Monday, July 9, 2012

Recipe 1: Basil and Lemon Chicken Over Eggplant

Recipe 1: Basil/Lemon Chicken over eggplant
(Serves 2)
2 Boneless skinless chicken breast
Basil (fresh) 5 large leaves
Table spoon minced Garlic
Handful of toasted walnuts (if untoasted, place in a pan on stove on medium high and heat until you can smell the nuts)
One Eggplant
One tomato
One Lemon (you will only use the zest)
Dried Oregano
Olive Oil
Non stick Spray

Directions: (Chicken)
Slice chicken into strips about one inch in thickness. Place in a bowl with the zest of one lemon, the chopped basil leaves, garlic, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and add a sprinkle of salt and pepper. Use a fork to mix the marinade over the chicken. Allow to sit for at least one hour (if you are able let chicken marinate overnight). Place chicken into a pan and cook over medium heat until the chicken is white and cooked through. Do not dump the whole marinade into the pan
Leave skin on. Cut six slices approximately ¼ inch in thickness. Salt and pepper both sides. Add conservative amounts of dried oregano to each side. This is a very strong herb. Place Eggplant into preheated grill pan on medium high. Allow eggplant to cook 3-5 minutes on each side (check for grill marks).
Plate eggplant on bottom, place cooked chicken on top with diced tomato and walnuts.
Calories for single serving (one chicken breast, half handful of walnuts, ½ an eggplant) 355 calories

All recipes are originals created by Brittney Owens and are not to be reprinted without permission

What will you gain by eating this meal? (source   and
Lemon: High in vitamin C, Vitamin C boosts the body’s immune system and wards off cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease, and skin wrinkling.
Garlic: Source of selenium, manganese, vitamin c, B6. Selenium is thought to protect cells from damage. Manganese is important for bone formation, connective tissue, and blood clotting. Manganese deficiency is linked to infertility, weakness, seizures, and bone malformation. B6 helps to realease energy your body stores.
Olive Oil: Omega-9 fatty acid which helps reduce the risk of heart disease
Chicken: Provides protein but is lower in fat than red meat. Contains selenium and b6
Basil: Contains antioxidants, beta carotene, vitamin c, iron, calcium, and potassium. Beta carotene works with vitamin A to improve eye health. Iron is necessary to produce new red blood cells, and calcium helps to build strong bones. Potassium moderates your metabolism and aids in healthy kidney function.
Tomatoes: Contain Lycopene, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K. Lycopene promotes bone health.
Walnuts: Walnuts contain many of the Omega fatty acids that are vital to heart health, and lower your risk of heart disease.
Eggplant: A single eggplant contains 75% of your daily fiber. Fiber is responsible for removing bad cholesterol and waste from your body.

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